Sunday, February 6, 2011

Not another night with the Frogs..

It is a beautiful sunny day here in North Carolina. It is a nice surprise after what seems to be the never ending cold winter here. I'm not going to complain, I'm just going to say I look forward to spring! This morning we heard a wonderful lesson on Exodus 8. What a  powerful lesson it was. " Not another night with the Frogs".  I have to admit it was one of my favorites.

Sharon isn't feeling well today. I believe that all of this is taking it's toll on her mentally. We try and stay positive and keep her laughing. We are dealing with all of this one day at a time. I know God is going to take care of her. Deep down in the bottom of my stomach I am scared and just can't bare to think that something is terribly wrong. But in my heart I know the good Lord is going to take care of all of this and restore her back to her normal health as He sees fit. We have been referred to the best Reproductive Endocrinologist in Eastern North Carolina. We see him Feb 15th.

In the past six month I have received quite a few emails and phones calls to start a blog. Many expressed they would like to keep up with our lives here in North Carolina by reading a blog instead of random posts on facebook. First I thought it was very silly. Anyone who knows me, knows I can't spell! I have thought alot about it here recently. What a way to record our work and daily lives. I would like to think I am just a normal mother with normal issues who just so happens to be married to the Preacher. I love what we do here and can't imagine doing anything else!



  1. Maria, welcome to blogger! I am looking forward to reading future posts. Don't worry about spelling, that's what spell check is for (I rely on it quite often)! We are keeping Sharon and you guys in our prayers. Jeremiah has been asking about your kids recently (usually when we go over to your old apartment), when I showed him on a map where you are compared to us his response was a very dejected "Oh". Love you all and miss you very much. Keep holding to God's unchanging hand!

  2. Hey Chrsitie, Thank you for the kind words. Thank you for the prayers for Sharon. We are just taking this day by day. She has taken a slight turn for the worse but are dealing with that. We sure miss all the children, the wives, the fellowship. Ya'll have to come visit us. We can go play in the sand on the beach. So far winter is best, you usually get the beach to yourself! Love it! Miss you guys and I love reading your blog. Keep up the good work.

  3. Maria, I lived in Cherokee, NC, for about 10 years, where my husband preached for the church. Where in North east NC do you live? I have heard the name 'Lamb' somewhere (of course, in the Bible!) but just don't remember where or when. We have gone to Gospel meetings in Sylva and Franklin - but not too far toward the coast. We have lived on the coast when my husband preached for the church in St. Marys, GA, and I know what you mean by having the beach all to yourself! Nice! I just put Barbara Galloway on as a 'friend' - and then found out that she was a member of the church! Thrills me to find brothers and sister in Christ all over the land! You are in the prime of your life, with little ones around you! Enjoy them to the hilt, as you train them in the way they should go! If I could go back in time with my 9 little ones, I would home-school them - imagine - my own little 'school house' - Just didn't realize that I could at the time! Have those in the family who ARE homeschooling, and enjoying it so much! Will take time to read more later.
    That is cute, the 'picture' of an empty pie plate above the 'recipe' - Love , Ruth Atnip
